Broadband Light Therapy with Sciton’s Suite of Systems

There is a good reason why so many people are interested in broadband light therapy or BBL therapy – it works. BBL skin treatment has become an increasingly popular alternative to surgical procedures over the last decade. Its non-invasive nature and fast turnaround time has made BBL light therapy a go-to option for people that live an active and busy life. Whether a patient is looking to receive broadband light therapy for acne, rosacea or just to reduce the signs of aging, the Sciton BBL Hero is the industry’s leading device among practitioners.

A Deeper Look into Sciton’s Superstars


The HALO laser system sets itself apart from conventional lasers as they can typically only target one wavelength, whereas HALO is the world’s first Hybrid Fractional Laser that can deliver a nonablative and an ablative wavelength simultaneously to the same treatment area. As one of Sciton’s premier technologies, HALO merges these two wavelengths to create a strong synergistic effect, resulting in unmatched improvement in the visible signs of skin aging, including fine lines and wrinkles. HALO also incorporates our proprietary skin mapping and measuring software for the device to precisely determine and deliver heat. An optical navigation system tracks the movement of the handpiece to synchronize pulse delivery with treatment intensity. Another aspect of this cutting edge technology is the LED visual speedometer which provides both visual and auditory feedback to manage treatment speed.


Sciton’s BBL light treatment is renowned both nationally and internationally for its outstanding efficacy, ease of use, and cutting-edge technology. The next generation of BBL skin therapy has arrived and is easily accessible due to its rapid adoption by practitioners world wide. With BBL HERO (High Energy Rapid Output) patients can receive fast, long-lasting results on literally any surface of the body. BBL HERO is a revolution in broadband light treatment that offers the ability to treat a wide range of patient skin conditions with a single handpiece. The practitioner can easily exchange any of the wavelength filters for customisable treatment that successfully addresses the patient’s targeted areas of the skin. Combined BBL laser therapy has an extremely high rate of efficacy and offers patients incredibly low to zero downtime post procedure.

Our expertly designed BBL phototherapy employs top of the line cooling technology which enables the system to maintain a constant temperature. This effect continues throughout the procedure while gradually cooling or warming the skin uniformly for different spot sizes and avoiding intermediate temperature fluctuations. The integrated adapter allows practitioners to quickly and easily change the size of a targeted area at any time during the procedure thus offering a customised treatment for every patient. Whether a patient is looking for a broadband light facial treatment, broadband light therapy for rosacea or any of a number of skin ailments – the BBL HERO is the best in the industry.


Where can I find a broadband light treatment near me?

Doing a Google search for broadband light therapy near me will give results. However, if you are looking for an authorised practitioner of broadband laser treatment such as the BBL HERO or HALO, it’s best to check the Sciton website. BBL laser therapy is best performed by trusted practitioners with a proven track record of administering the procedure. When it comes to broadband light therapy, cost of treatment will only be worth it if performed by an experienced professional using state of the art equipment.

Is broadband light therapy safe?

BBL – broadband light therapy is widely considered to be among the safest options for patients suffering from skin conditions of many types. When compared to a procedure such as a chemical peel, there is no doubt that broadband light skin rejuvenation is a far safer option. The procedure is considered comfortable and has little to no downtime for the patient. Also, patients can receive the treatment much more frequently for better effect as a result of its non-invasive nature.

How long does BBL treatment last?

Broadband light skin treatment has shown incredible results that are long lasting. Also, because patients can receive the treatment more frequently due to its efficacy and fast turnaround, results can be much better than other treatments. Combined broadband laser therapy has become so popular in recent years mostly due to its unparalleled results and little down time. BBL treatment for face discolouration is one of the most common procedures performed by practitioners and has proven to be both safe and have a lasting effect.

What does broadband light therapy do?

Broadband light phototherapy is an extremely effective treatment for skin issues of all types. Patients have received incredible results for issues such as rosacea, sun damage, sun spots and even fine lines and wrinkles. Combined broadband light laser treatment has become increasingly popular in recent years when compared to surgical or chemical procedures, mostly due to its efficacy, comfort and quick turn around.