Dr Patrick Bitter Jr is the renowned dermatologist from Los Gatos, California, who gave the opening address at this year’s Non-Surgical Symposium (NSS). At the conference, which took place from June 15-17 at the Gold Coast Convention Centre, Dr Bitter spoke extensively about his experience with BBL and its many benefits.
He described how he changes a BBL device’s settings and filters for different applications including skin tightening (wrinkles and skin laxity); DSAP (disseminated solar actinic keratosis); photo-rejuvenation of the eyelids (to decrease fine lines, dark circles and to improve dry eye syndrome and ocular rosacea); rejuvenation of the ears and lips; suitability for skin types V and VI; treatment of acne and scars; body contouring (including the BBL Butt Lift); and also female and male genital rejuvenation.
On the first day of the symposium, Dr Bitter also hosted a special lunchtime workshop for Sciton. More than 100 people attended to hear Dr Bitter speak about his 10 Pearls of BBL.