Say “so long” to bothersome warts
Common worldwide, warts affect approximately 10% of the population. In school-aged children, the prevalence can be as high as 20%.
Warts are small, grainy bumps—often rough to the touch—that are transmitted by a virus.
While some go away on their own, others can be more persistent, creating discomfort, embarrassment, and even interference with normal activities. Sciton’s advanced aesthetic technology has a high efficacy rate in treating warts anywhere on the body.
ClearV was specifically designed to eliminate unwanted vessels in patients with vascular lesions and rosacea.
This technology also lends extremely well to warts! Unlike some laser treatments, ClearV® is safe to receive during the summer months, giving you more flexibility to treat warts on your own timeline.
Recommended Treatment
ClearV for Warts
ClearV® can be used to improve both the texture and colour of warts and skin tags on any area of the body. After treatment, many patients return to their normal activities. It can even be performed on a lunch break! ClearV® for Warts is both safe and effective in treating all skin types and tones.
The Science
Gentle heat delivering permanent results.
Warts can have devastating effects on patient confidence and self-image and can even get bigger over time. Professional laser treatment with ClearV® can deliver laser energy to gently heat and eliminate warts from the upper layers of your skin’s surface, becoming less noticeable with each treatment.
Get Started
Practitioners across the country trust Sciton technology to treat patients with warts anywhere on the body. Find a ClearV® provider near you and take the first step to clearer skin, sooner.